Hi there! Happy Fall!!
I am so happy to have the time and energy to write again! This post is just a quick hello, a reintroduction to me and my writing, as well as a little life update.
Last winter I began this blog as a place to play around with writing and to see how it felt publishing my thoughts on the internet. As it turned out, I really enjoyed it. I wrote in more detail about this in the last couple of posts, but writing was not sustainable for me during the summer months. So here we are, entering another cold season. To me, winter is a time of going inward. It serves as an opportunity to spend more time alone. To shift your energy into different aspects of life. To recharge yourself. And to write.
Though I can’t be sure exactly what route my writing will wind down, I can share my intention. This blog serves as a place for me to let my thoughts meander, and I encourage you to meander with me. Like anyone, my perspective is influenced by the life I live. Because of that, most of the ideas that I’m compelled to write about are things that I’ve learned through sailing, which is the dominant force in my life. What I really want to do with my writing is spark conversation. If anything you read brings up thoughts or questions, always feel free to reach out. I love to hear different perspectives or other folks’ stories!
Lastly, a quick life update on me! I’ve moved to Baltimore, Maryland for the winter. I sailed my boat Phoenix down, which took 3 weeks from Burlington. Stay tuned! The next post will be an extensive log of that trip, and many of my coming blog posts will likely revolve around things that I learned on that voyage.
See you next week!